Wednesday, April 25, 2012

TJ's Freudian slip

I watch very little television these days.  I simply don't have time for it.  I do try to at least listen while the news is on at some point in the evening, and I still enjoy watching the Biggest Loser.  On Tuesday nights, when that show airs, I will be ironing, helping with baths and showers, and trying to catch most of what is happening on the show.

Last night, TJ wandered in and climbed up on the bed to watch the show while I ironed.  Before they went to a commercial break, Michelle Obama came on and did some sort of a promo for eating healthy or something.  TJ looked puzzled and said, "Why is the Big Lady on your show?"

Bill was walking down the hall as TJ said this and he and I both burst out laughing.  TJ realized he had said "Big" instead of "First" and also started laughing.  I'm glad he can laugh at his mistakes.  Especially one as funny as that!

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