Monday, April 16, 2012

Spelling time with Sam

Yesterday morning, Sam was being Sam. He was going to the bathroom (sitting, not standing), with the door open, of course. And he was dawdling about it. I know, I know. Please contain your surprise.

While Sam was taking his time in the bathroom, Nolan was zooming up and down the hallway, doing a pretty good impersonation of steam train. For some reason, this was annoying Sam.

I was in my room and overheard the following from Sam.

"Nolan. Stop making that train sound." (Train sounds continue)
"Nolan! I said 'stop'!" (Train sounds continue--little brothers are pests, you know)
"NOLAN. S-O-T-P! That spells 'Stop!'"

At this point, I intervened. I politely asked Nolan to stop, or relocate the train elsewhere. I told Sam to get off the toilet. And I told him the correct way to spell stop. And I laughed. Quite a bit.

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