Friday, April 13, 2012

Cat Tales

Just a few cat observations from the past week.

1. Cats don't like chocolate chips. They will spit them out on the floor. Big thanks to the child who dropped one and left it there for Willoughby to sample.
2. Cats copy each other. Katie has picked up a few bad habits while watching her younger, naughtier brother.
3. Case in point...Katie climbed up on the counter and helped herself to a bite of Nolan's macaroni and cheese the other day. Guess what? She didn't like it. She spit it on the floor. Wonder where she learned that??
4. Cats DO like to drink toilet water. At least, Willoughby does. Must. Teach. Boys. To. Flush. Consistently. And. ALWAYS. Put. Lid. Down. Disgusting!
5. Cats love nothing better than a sleeping Mama (that would be me). I lay down in bed, and boom. I have two friends with me immediately. I love that. Makes the chocolate chip goo and toilet water issues more tolerable.

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