Sunday, May 22, 2011


I'm sick. I've spent the last four days in bed, and I haven't been feeling well for a week. I have the worst headache I've ever had in my life. It makes being upright pretty difficult. And I have a terrible pain in my side, which makes it painful to breathe. Apparently, my gall bladder is acting up. I have an appointment with a surgeon tomorrow to see how quickly they can remove it.

In the meantime, I've been sleeping a lot and watching the occasional movie (cannot thank Bill enough for signing us up for Netflix, which I can access on my iPad). I haven't been reading much, since that hurts my head.

Bill has been a tremendous help. He postponed his trip to Detroit since I can't care for the boys by myself. He did the grocery shopping today and his doing his best to handle the cooking.

The boys make frequent visits to my bedside. They seem fairly accepting of my condition. Sam, of course, has the most questions. I'm actually considering asking the surgeon if I can have my gall bladder after surgery, so I can show it to Sam.

Nolan was just in here visiting me. He is excited that Daddy is taking him, TJ, and Sam out for ice cream after dinner. I asked Nolan if he knew what kind of ice cream he was going to get. He thought about it and asked, "Do they have black?" I explained that chocolate (brown) was as close as he could get to black. Then he asked if they had white. I said yes. He followed that up with, "How 'bout banilla?". Not sure how white and 'banilla' are different, but he probably knows. I just hope Daddy remembers to bring a sundae home for me!

1 comment:

Tobias Arthur said...

Hope you're on the mend soon! We're sending you lots of healing love from Oregon! Em, Jeff, and Mr. T