Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cat invader

Awhile back, I mentioned how proud I was of Sam for getting up by himself at night when he needed to use the bathroom.

Then Katie the cat came. Katie hides a lot during the day (you would too if you lived with TJ, Sam, and Nolan), but the moment the boys are in bed, she pops out of her hiding place and turns into a very silly cat. She runs, she plays, she uses her scratching post, she does a terrifying tightrope walk on our banister. She usually settles down and sleeps with Bill and I, but if someone gets up to use the bathroom, she gets all excited, thinking that the tired person is up just to play with her!

Sam does not want Katie in his room, which is fine, because I'm trying to minimize pet dander in there. Sam also does not want anything to do with crazy 3 A.M. Katie. This means he will no longer go to the bathroom by himself at night. Nope. He makes me get out of bed for the sole purpose of keeping an eye on Katie and making sure she stays out of his room. And I don't know if he's going through a growth spurt or something, but he's been getting me up almost every night. He gets me up, I shuffle out in the hallway, hold the cat, escort Sam back into his bedroom and return to bed. Then spazzy cat jumps on me and wants to play. Ugh.

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