Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A lollipop with a garbage thingie

Sam's last day of preschool is next week Thursday. This year has absolutely flown by! It just occurred to me over the weekend, that his teacher (Mrs. Stegenga) had said at the beginning of the school year that children with summer birthdays could pick a day during the school year to celebrate. I always felt like kids with summer birthdays got gypped, so I wanted to make sure Sam had his opportunity to celebrate. And here we are with two weeks left, and I had forgotten all about it. Oops. I asked Sam what he wanted to bring for a treat and was given the vague response of 'something with chocolate'. He's easy to please. I picked up a bag of Kit-Kats and he took them to school yesterday. Much to TJ's delight, and few extras came back home with him.

In addition to the leftover candy, Sam came home with a very cute lollipop on a loooong stick. It was his treat for 'having a birthday', a mere 2.5 months before the actual event. He was excited to eat it, but he saved it until today. He cleaned up all the outside toys without arguing, so I let him have the lollipop. Of course, he waits until the exact moment I need to use the bathroom to try and open up the lollipop. He was frantically banging on the door saying, "Mom, I need your help! This lollipop has a garbage thingy on it!"

In case you were wondering, a 'garbage thingy' is more commonly known as a twist-tie. I never ever use those on our trash, but that's what he calls them.

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