Monday, April 18, 2011

No hockey for me

Last night, while waiting for his favorite show (America's Funniest Videos) to start, TJ was watching the end of the evening news. Sports was on, and they were showing a recap of one of the hockey playoff games. TJ commented, "I am NOT playing hockey when I get older". I was washing dishes and wasn't looking at the television. I just replied, "Yes, that is a hard sport. You have to be able to play the game while you are ice skating." He said, "Yep! And then you have to HUG at the end!" Oh. Well, if that's the issue, I think he might have to eliminate more than just hockey from his future sports!

This is Bill's Facebook status from earlier today:
This morning while getting Sam dressed I got him all undressed, then say "ok, go get your coat and shoes on." He runs down the hall stark naked to the laundry room, pauses, runs back and says in all seriousness "Hey, I don't have any clothes on."

I still chuckle every time I picture that scene in my head. Only Sam!

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