Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nolan's 3-year well-child

Nolan had his appointment yesterday. He was looking forward to seeing how much he had grown. The appointment was long, as the doctor was running late, and we also had to see a med student. But Nolan was very patient and very well-behaved. I read every single children's book in the room to him, played with the one toy in there, took him to the bathroom, and finally was playing a tickle game with him when the doctor came in. Whew!

Weight: 36.4 pounds (88th percentile)
Height: 36.5 inches (24th percentile)

Does anyone remember when Nolan was so little he wasn't even on the growth chart? And now here he is...nearly at the top on the weight chart! He's still short, but that didn't surprise me at all. He comes by that honestly!

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