Saturday, March 27, 2010

Poison Control

Up to this point, I have not needed to call Poison Control. I strongly suspect Nolan will be the child that causes that to change.

Nolan watches Bill and I very carefully, and he gets into EVERYTHING. He is still very short for his age, but has figured out that he can reach almost anything by crawling up on a chair. A few weeks ago, TJ caught him in the bathroom going through a drawer. He had found a bottle of Hyland's "Sniffles and Sneezes for Kids". They are small, homeopathic pills that I give the boys when they are catching colds. Nolan apparently thinks they are candy. He was finishing off the bottle when TJ found him. Since they are homeopathic, the bottle doesn't have a child-proof lid. Fortunately, there were only a couple pills left in the bottle when Nolan discovered it, so there was no harm done.

Shortly after that, Nolan got even more creative. I had JUST walked into the kitchen and started preparing the boys' lunch, and Nolan took advantage of the lack of parental supervision. Bill walked upstairs and found Nolan in the bathroom again. He had pushed a small chair up to the counter and was standing on it. He discovered a bottle of Children's Ibuprofen (the liquid kind) on the counter, removed the "childproof cap" and was in the process of trying to use a small syringe to draw up some medicine for himself. If he had decided to just take a swig out of the bottle, he probably would have gotten several swallows down before Bill found him. But he wanted to use the syringe just like Mommy and Daddy. So he didn't get a single drop in his mouth. Thank goodness!

He never ceases to amaze me. He's a problem solver and the only one of my three boys who has been a climber. I'm not sure how else I can child-proof the house...he seems to know his way around every barricade I put up.

I wonder if he will survive his childhood in one piece. Somehow, I don't think I will!

1 comment:

Tobias Arthur said...

I have to tell you, Beth...these stories just crack me up. I can only imagine Nolan prowling around the house looking for weaknesses in your defenses. :) I wish I could see it in person. I know you'll be at least two steps ahead of him. Hope to see you soon!! Love, Em