Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Band-aids and Bubble Wrap

Why are my children so obsessed with Band-aids? I don't ever recall being so enamored with them.

Sam tore one of his fingernails (both TJ and Sam have become nail biters, much to my chagrin), and it is so short it is painful. He asked for a Band-aid, and I put one on him. He informed me that it 'smelled good!'. Uhhh...okay. Nolan, of course, insisted he had to have a Band-aid too. So, I wrapped one around his finger. He smiled and admired it.

30 seconds pass.

Nolan comes to me, frantically trying to remove the Band-aid. I thought maybe he didn't want it on his finger, so I unwrapped it and placed in on the back of his hand. Nope, he didn't want it there, either. So, I took it off and threw it away. I figured if I didn't throw it away myself, I'd find it stuck to my wood floor, or to the TV screen, or some other inappropriate place.

Sam didn't do much better than that. He threw his away after about a half hour, and I've been hearing him complain about his sore thumb now all day.

I got some new organic soaps in the mail today. I love these types of soaps. They smell fabulous, and they aren't full of chemicals. I got 5 bars today, all different scents, all with an olive and coconut oil base. I also have some fabulous handmade shampoo (not made by me!) that I would highly recommend, if anyone is curious. Unfortunately, Bill hates it. He uses the shampoo he collects from Embassy Suites. He says it smells nice. Anyway...the soaps arrived today packaged in bubble wrap. I gave the bubble wrap to Sam and showed him how he could pop the bubbles. He thought it was hysterical. Only, Sam's hands aren't strong enough to pop the bubbles himself. I tried to show him how to twist the wrap to get more bubbles to pop. Again, he thought it was hysterical, but he didn't want me to pop the bubbles for him.

I found the bubble wrap in the trash late this afternoon. I guess Sam figured if he couldn't pop the bubbles, then no one would. At least he was kind enough to throw it away for me.

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