Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Birds and the Bees (According to TJ)

Tonight, TJ and Sam helped me 'cook' dinner. This means they both dragged bar stools over to the stove and took turns poking at the hamburger I was browning in the skillet. I eventually had to remove them from the kitchen, but before then I heard a rather fascinating bit of information from TJ.

TJ to Sam, "Hey Sam, did you ever think there would be more than us two brothers? I mean, there was you and me, and all of a sudden, there was Nolan! See, Mommy's tummy started getting really big. She thought she ate too much, but it turned out to be Nolan! And that's how we got another brother."

Sam's response? "Yeah!"

So much for all those discussions we had with TJ about the coming baby. He now sums it up that Mommy had weight issues.

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