Monday, November 25, 2013

Dental dreams

At some point late Thursday night (or early Friday morning), I awoke to Sam shaking my arm.  He wanted me to know he had a very loose tooth.  I had been sound asleep and was having trouble making sense of why he would be wiggling his tooth in the middle of the night.  Sam informed me that the tooth wasn't quite ready to come out yet, but that his mouth was filled with blood.  I told Sam to go rinse his mouth with cold water.  Sam went in the bathroom, but the sink didn't turn on.  After a long moment, he quietly came back out of the bathroom.  He very sheepishly told me that his tooth wasn't loose after all and he had made a mistake.

At this point, I am thinking he had just acted out the most vivid dream ever.  He crawled into bed next to me and went right to sleep. 

Other than being amused (and thinking this story would make a great blog post), I didn't think too much of his loose/non-loose tooth all day Friday.  Perhaps I should have.  Because just before 5 a.m. Saturday morning, there was Sam, shaking my arm again.  This time, he sounded more coherent.  "Mom, my tooth IS loose after all!  Here it is!"  Once again, I'm half awake and completely confused and a child is popping out a tooth and pressing it in my hand.  I was so surprised, I dropped the tooth.

So, while Sam is cheerfully rinsing out his mouth in my bathroom I was combing through the carpet at 5 a.m., searching for his tooth.  I eventually found it.  Sam informed me that he woke up because his tooth felt funny.  He wiggled it and realized it was about to come out.  Of course, his mother couldn't miss out on this joyous occasion, so he came to get me.

I convinced him that 5 a.m. was not the best time to be discussing such things.  I also told him that I was pretty sure he had missed the tooth fairy.  He completely agreed with me on that one.  Everyone knows the tooth fairy comes in the middle of the night, and we were past that.

I put his tooth on his dresser for his brothers to admire in the morning.  Then I crawled back into bed, still trying to figure out the last two nights.  I've never heard of a kid waking up in the middle of the night to pull out a tooth.  But I've never had a kid quite like Sam, either.

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