Friday, November 8, 2013


Of the three boys, TJ has the least homework this year.  But when he does have homework, it's tough stuff.  Today he had a test on government.  And I don't mean, "How many states are there?", I mean "Describe the three branches of government" and "Explain checks and balances".  It's good stuff for him to know, but I'm positive this was not 4th grade material when I was in school.

At any rate, getting him to study was like pulling teeth.  I was still trying to beat some knowledge into his head as he got on the bus.

Tonight, he didn't want to go to bed.  He had spent part of the evening researching Mount St. Helens on the Internet.  Then he wanted to discuss neutron stars.  Neither of THESE items were homework.  They were just things he was interested in.  Unfortunately for him, I highly doubt he's going to be tested on either one in the near future.

I threatened to trim back his iPad time if he gets a bad grade on his government test.  He looked horrified.  Maybe I can scare him into studying the correct material?

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