Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Nolan continues to insist that he wear underwear all day long. Even during nap time. This makes me nervous (because I hate to change his bedding any more often than is necessary), but I've been letting him do it, and he's been staying dry. He even more underwear to preschool yesterday! That's the longest he's been in underwear and not under the direct supervision of a parent or grandparent. Go Nolan!

Right before bedtime tonight, I put him on the potty, even though he said he didn't have to go. He knows it's mandatory at bedtime. I was sitting on the stool in the bathroom, waiting for him to go. Bill wandered by and he and I talked briefly about his schedule for the next day. As he walked away, Nolan climbed off of the toilet.

I picked him up, put him back on the toilet, and told him that he HAD to go potty before we put his pajamas on.

Nolan got very indignant. He said, "I did go potty! You just didn't hear me! You talk too much!"

I probably should have been offended, but I laughed. Our talking did drown out the sound of his going potty.

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