Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Trailer hitches and germs

Sam is still on his trailer kick. The chiropractor sent him home with three old issues of "Trailer Life" (Seriously? Who subscribes to that??) and Sam has been examining them carefully.

Sam has also resumed his habit of checking to see which vehicles have trailer hitches and which ones don't. He knows that a lot of people remove their trailer hitches in the winter, since they aren't being used and they don't want them to get stolen. Ours is always off. We can't close the garage door when it's on the van. Anyway, Sam likes the vehicles that have covers for the spot where the hitch goes (if there's a technical term for that, I don't know it). He really likes the decorative ones...we've seen a few Michigan State ones around town.

Sam would really like us to get one of those covers. He says they have a very important job. They keep the germs out.

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