Monday, January 23, 2012

Enamel concerns

So, Sam, my intellectual, has the stomach flu. This is a frustrating occurrence for my O.C.D. little guy. He figured out that he had no control over the puking. As much as he might want to, he couldn't will that to go away.

So instead, he worried about his teeth. Yes, you heard me. His teeth. He asked me several times if he was damaging his teeth when he threw up. He had me brush them after each episode of sickness. I could understand that, as I can't stand having that taste in my mouth, but I thought his worry over enamel damage was a little weird.

I told him that he might need to worry if he threw up every day and never brushed his teeth. But since he's only had the flu twice in almost six years, I think his teeth will be just fine.

I hope he is all done vomiting. His nerves can't handle it!

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