Thursday, January 14, 2010

Who's Hungry?

Bill and I are leaving for our long-awaited cruise tomorrow evening. We don't actually fly out of Detroit until Saturday morning, but with the recent terror attempt near Detroit (the guy who tried to blow up his underwear), we need to check in really early, so my Dad is dropping us off at a hotel near the airport tomorrow night.

Be sure to check back often next week! We have limited Internet access aboard the ship, but have promised the boys that we will update the blog with pictures as often as we can. Since we are charged by the minute, you bet I will have my entire blog post laid out in my head before I log on.

Anyway, tonight I was trying to clean out the fridge. I made enchiladas for supper, but they aren't TJ's favorite. I saw we had some leftover chicken nuggets in the refrigerator, so I decided he could eat those instead. I pulled out the container they were in and set it on the counter. Sam, ever helpful, started poking at the container. "What's this, Mama?" he asked me. I informed him that they were leftover chicken nuggets.

"Chicken nuts???" Sam sounded shocked. "What are those?"

I was laughing too hard to answer him. Sam, of course, figured out that he had said something funny, and marched off to tell TJ he was eating chicken nuts for supper.

Now, who wants some chicken???

This is my 200th blog posting! If you've read them all, congratulations! Now, go find something better to do!

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