Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Coming soon...to a Christmas card near you...

Once again, I am doing photo cards for our Christmas cards this year. Last year, it was a nightmare trying to get both TJ and Sam to look cute for the picture I took. This year, I decided to do three separate shots. I met a girl at a craft show who is designing a card for us, and will make it a 4x6 size (so I can print it at the regular price at Meijer instead of the photo card price).

This concept has gone extremely well so far. I was really happy with the pictures I got of the boys. Here they are, in their un-cropped versions:

1 comment:

Tobias Arthur said...

Oh my gosh! I love the pictures! I can't wait to see the rest of the card. I am also looking forward to watching Bill write memos on his forehead. I laughed out loud at that one! Love to all!