Friday, December 19, 2008


Nolan has reached the grabby stage. He is constantly grabbing at my face, and scratching me. It doesn't matter if his nails are long or short, they are still painful.

A few days ago, he reached up and somehow scratched the inside of my nose. Thankfully, it didn't bleed (that would have been one unattractive scab!), but it is painful, annoying, and taking a long time to heal. Plus, it keeps making me sneeze! Today, I was gently rubbing the sore area. Sam walks over and says quietly but firmly, "Mama, don't pick your nose".

1 comment:

Tobias Arthur said...

Those boys of yours sure crack me up! I laugh out loud at their antics every time I read your blog. Thanks for being so awesome at updating it. We really appreciate it! Love, Em and Jeff