Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Write it down, before you forget

These boys of mine continue to make me laugh. Sam, in particular, comes up with some funny stuff, since he is just getting a grasp on this speaking-in-sentences concept.

A few Sam gems:

*Every morning, he greets me with an excited, "I waked up!"--like he can't believe his good fortune. He is such a morning person!

*On Saturday, he accompanied me to a Pampered Chef party at Aunt Sarah's house. Jared had made a trifle-type dessert that had a little Kahlua in it. I let Sam have some, but I told him, "Don't tell Daddy!" He must've repeated that phrase a dozen times. He got lots of laughs, but really had no idea what he was saying.

*Bill's dad and step-mom must have stock in Hallmark, because they love sending the boys various holiday cards. Today, the boys got cards for Thanksgiving. I gave Sam his and asked him if he wanted to open it. He got all excited, and said, "Money inside!" I couldn't stop laughing. What concept of money does he have? And when has he ever received any by mail? Well, there was no money inside, but he did like the turkery on the card. He's been carrying it around the house with him.

TJ has taken to repeating things his friends and classmates say, even if he doesn't understand them. Today, he insisted on bringing a toy for Coopersville Cares (He called it CooperCares). His class is doing a toy drive. I actually wasn't going to participate, since we already spent a small fortune filling a shoe box for Operation Christmas Child, and we'll be buying hats & mittens for Coopersville Cares to bring to the mitten tree at church. But he insisted he had to, since one of his friends had. He had gotten two "Memory" games for Christmas last year, so he proudly brought the unopened one to school today.

Yesterday, we had our first measurable snowfall. TJ was so excited. He came home from school and begged to go play in it. I let him, since I figured it would be melting today (it is). He was outside with the neighbor boys for an hour. He came in, dripping wet, proclaiming he needed "Hot Chwockwate". I also thought this was amusing, as he has never before had hot chocolate. However, if the neighbor boys were getting some from their mom, well then, he was too. I made it 'warm' chocolate and he decided it was good.

Then there's Nolan. He doesn't have any funny sayings yet, but he sure is fond of the letter "G". All morning long, I've heard "Geh. Geh. Geh."

He's trying so hard to sit up. For the most part, he does a nice job, but if he gets distracted, he does a face plant on the carpet. He seems awfully confused when that happens.

Here's a picture of him and Audrey at Grandma Ellen's on Sunday. Audrey is crawling, but she was content to stop and sit with Nolan for awhile:

TJ: Birthday recap

Yesterday, TJ had his five-year well-child visit. He weighs in at 41 pounds even, and is 41.5 inches tall. That's the 58th percentile for weight, and 21st percentile for height. It now makes sense that he is one of the shortest kids in his class!

Much to his delight, TJ did not need any shots. Due to the trauma he experienced during his August shots, I was actually going to postpone any further shots for awhile. I don't want him to be afraid of the doctor's office. However, that was unnecessary, as he is current on everything. Nolan had to get the other half of his flu shot, which offended him greatly, but he handled it well. Sam was just along for the ride.

TJ's birthday was everything he dreamed. For the third birthday in a row, he got lots of Thomas toys. Who says kids flit from one fad to another? He certainly hasn't! He also got several shirts, which he needed, some books, a couple DVDs, and a new bike. The bike, courtesy of Bill's dad and step-mom is beautiful. The unfortunate thing about having a fall birthday is that it will now sit in the garage and wait for those rare warm days for TJ to ride it.

Here are a few pictures. Everyone loved the cake, by the way!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Five Years Ago Today...

The "ER" episode where the helicopter falls on Dr. Romano aired. I had been looking forward to it all week, and was a tiny bit disappointed that I was going to miss it. Of course, no one can plan going into labor! However, TJ cooperated and arrived before 7:30 p.m. Bill, TJ, a nurse, and I all watched that "ER" episode. The nurse actually waited to move me to my post-partum room until the episode was over. It's a funny memory, and obviously one I will never forget.

So it's been five years now that our struggle to become parents ended. I've been so tremendously blessed since. TJ is such a character. He's definitely had his challenging moments, but he has also brought us immense joy. It's been so much fun to watch him grow now that he's in school. His behavior is improving...he understands boundaries more, and is learning to avoid children who might cause him to misbehave (he was always drawn TO them in the past). Sure, he still gets wound up when his cousins are around, but he's also a big help to me, and for the most part, a kind and loving big brother.

One quick funny story: The Fab Fives class must be learning about rhyming words. TJ, however, is not understanding the concept at all. Last night, he informed me that "smoke" and "water" rhyme. Uh, okay!

Birthday pictures will be up in a few days!

Happy Birthday, TJ!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In case you were wondering...

I survived baking the cake. It's not frosted, and I should be in bed, but it's done.

I also have to add chocolate chips, sprinkles, and the two plastic rings I bought at the party store. This will be a strange looking cake.

But I am certain I'll have a happy boy in the morning, and that's what counts.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Twice in One Week!

I'm sure some of you know how much I hate to bake. It's funny, because both of my sisters, my brother Jared, and my mom really enjoy it. I find it tedious, messy, and pointless (hello! What are packaged Oreos for???). But today I sucked it up and made Peanut Butter Blossoms for TJ's birthday treat. I think most kids bring cupcakes, but too bad. I definitely don't have the patience for those.

So, here's my beef with today's cookies (which turned out FINE for all of you doubters!). I called Brianna to get the recipe. She told me one batch would make 4 dozen. I got 39. Mine appear to be the same size as hers, so where are the other 9 cookies? This is why I'd rather make a batch of lasagna. You make lasagna, you get one pan every time....not 3/4ths of a pan one time, and then a pan and a half the next. Baking is so silly.

I made the cookies today because I have to work tomorrow. And tomorrow night after church, I have to bake TJ's cake. Ugh. I love my little boy, and I also love chocolate cake, but baking twice in a week pushes me to my limits...

Friday, November 14, 2008


It has taken Sam forever to figure out how to give kisses. Finally, about two weeks ago, he started giving kisses. He gives very nice kisses. Not at all wet or slobbery. He's funny about it though. He always gives me a kiss if I ask, but he acts as if it's a big imposition. :-)

TJ tends to only give kisses at bedtime, but he's a great hugger. Bill asks him for hugs several times a day, and TJ always stops what he is doing to give his dad his hug.

And I think Nolan tried to kiss me tonight. I was carrying him down the hall and I kissed him on the cheek. He turned and looked at me, then licked my chin. Slobber everywhere. But I really think he was trying to be affectionate. He's such a sweet little bug.

All 3 of them are!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Funny and profound

Sam has a cold (actually, all 3 boys do). It's been bothering his eyes, and they've been watering a lot. Yesterday he came to me and said, "Mommy! Eyes running!" I laughed and wiped his tears away. Then I thought, well who says the nose runs and the eyes water? Why can't it be the other way around? Maybe Sam is on to something here.

Nolan has decided that he will eat avocados and pears. So I've been giving him a little bit of pears in the morning and avocado in the evening. He much prefers the pears. Yesterday, he was so excited, he exhaled loudly as I put the spoon in his mouth. Yep. He blew pears all over me. He just gets so excited, he forgets what he is supposed to be doing.

TJ is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his 5th birthday. Every month, he makes a calendar at school and brings it home. This month we are crossing off the days and counting how many are left until his birthday. Only 9 to go! Being in the Fabulous Fives class means a good chunk of the class has fall birthdays. TJ is one of the very youngest. The kids have to be 5 by December 1st, so with a November 20 birthday, there are only two kids younger than TJ, and they all feel like they've been waiting FOREVER for their turn to have a birthday. For his birthday dessert, TJ has requested a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, sprinkles, and rings. I asked him what he meant, and he wants me to stick some plastic rings in it, just like someone in his class had. Uhhh...I don't even know where to buy those! I guess I should look! Any thoughts??

I also need to bake cookies or brownies for his treat for school. He's really pushing it...Mommy detests baking, and he needs two different items for the same day? Fun.

Friday, November 7, 2008

My favorite YouTube video


Watch the entire thing...even the ending is funny. If you don't at least smile, something is terribly wrong with you.

Beaker rocks!!!

The age of discovery

So, Sam is two. As most of you know, he is a very good-natured child, so I really can't call his age The Terrible Twos. At most, sometimes he doesn't think I'm serious and will laugh at me when I'm trying to get him to do something. It's really not too bad.

What is a bit frustrating is his curiosity. He's always into something. Right now, he's really obsessed with light switches. He carries around the little bathroom stool and turns all the lights on and off. Poor Nolan has had more than one nap disrupted by Sam flipping on the lights and turning the ceiling fan on.

Sam is also very pet-friendly. He has always loved Aria, our cat (who is still temporarily residing at my parent's house). He is learning to like Toby, my mom's puppy, although Toby's rambunctiousness can make Sam a bit nervous at times. No, Sam is a cat person. We have recently discovered there is a neighborhood cat who likes our house...a lot. I find her sleeping in the stroller in the garage, sunning herself on the porch, or peeking in the basement windows. Sam adores this cat and asks to go outside when he sees her.

On to Sam's other new talent: opening doors. He discovered on Tuesday that he could open the front door by himself. It wasn't terribly cold Tuesday night, but it was getting dark and was a little windy. Plus, the cat was on the porch. Sam opened the door, I closed it and explained he wasn't supposed to do that. I dead-bolted the door just to help him remember. 10-15 minutes later, I was in the kitchen when the cat walked past me! Yikes! Sam had let it in! Darn cat always makes lots of noise, until she's where she shouldn't be. I had no idea she was in the house.

A short while later, my sister and her fiance stopped by, and Sam calmly flipped the deadbolt and let them in. So much for that being a deterrent.

And the next morning, while I was at work, my mom discovered Sam had let the cat in again. My mom said I'm going to wind up with fleas in the house. Thanks. I feel much better now.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Grandma has been busy!

Sunday night we went to Bill's mom's house to celebrate her birthday and Bill's birthday. Even though it was HER birthday, she sent me back with 3 hats she knitted for the boys, a pair of jeans for Nolan, and an adorable sweater she knitted him. As soon as he gets a little bigger, he'll be wearing it everywhere!

Here are the boys wearing their hats. The hats keep their ears nice and warm, and they are so cute! Nolan is crying because he was hungry--not because of the hat. He doesn't mind the hat at all.

Sam really loves his hat. It was 70 degrees yesterday, but he insisted on wearing it when we brought TJ to school.

The experiment concludes

After completely shaving his goatee off, Bill then grew a full beard. Here he is, shortly before he shaved and returned to normalcy:

What did this experiment accomplish? I have no idea. I'm not sure if Bill knows either.

Seven months old!

Another month has flown by. Nolan is trying hard to sit on his own, but his not-too-tiny head continues to make balancing difficult. He is finally enjoying his exersaucer, but his big brothers have a hard time leaving him alone, so he's usually in tears within ten minutes.

We're taking a break from rice cereal, since it seemed to stop him up, and are trying avocado instead. He ate a little this morning and looked at me like I was crazy.

Even though he's hardly slept the past few nights, I still love my little monkey:


Halloween was a beautiful day. I helped out at TJ's school party, and was pleasantly surprised by how well-behaved his class is. I was also surprised to see TJ write the word "Boo". He's getting smart right before my eyes!

TJ's bat costume was made by Grandma. He loves it. I really like the fact that he can still use the sweatpants and the sweatshirt, although the ears on the sweatshirt are a bit unusual! Sam wore TJ's old Winnie the Pooh costume. I hate spending lots of money on something they'll only wear for a day, so it was nice that the Pooh costume fit.

I took the older two trick-or-treating. It was warm enough that we didn't need coats! TJ only lasted about 45 minutes...he was so tired from the long week. Sam was a trooper and held my hand while we walked around Eric and Kristi's neighborhood. He was very polite and was very interested in other people's dogs and their outdoor lighting. Ha ha. Bill stayed home with a very grumpy Nolan. I think he's got a bug...he hasn't been feeling well, sleeping well, or acting himself the past few days.

TJ, the bat:

Sam as Pooh:

And Nolan, my little pumpkin (I took this picture today, as he was crying too hard on Halloween to get a decent picture):

And here's an adorable picture of my nieces: Suzy (Little House on the Prairie, anyone?) and Maggie the cow: