Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'm a Belieber

Yesterday, I took the boys to Kohl's with me. It wasn't my smartest move. They weren't horrible, but they also weren't cooperative, obedient, patient, or quiet. And there were lots of good deals to be found on the Boys' clearance racks, so I definitely wanted to do some browsing so I could get clothes for TJ to grow into.

In an effort to get them to stand still and just talk with me instead of causing trouble, I focused in on the music playing over the speakers. It was a Justin Bieber song. TJ is NOT a fan of Justin Bieber (wise young man) and Bill and I often tease him about this.

I told TJ one of his favorite songs was on. TJ listened closely, then snorted and rolled his eyes at me. Sam was immediately curious and wanted to know who it was. I laughed and told him it was Justin Bieber. Sam asked if it was really Justin Beaver. I laughed again and said yes, it really was 'Justin Beaver.'

Sam listened to the song for a moment then asked, "Is Justin Beaver a girl or a boy?"

Awesome moment.

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