Thursday, February 17, 2011

Potty update

Nolan has been potty training for about 2 1/2 weeks now. On Tuesday, I thought we had it conquered. He stayed dry ALL NIGHT! I have never pushed this with my boys, but have been blessed by the fact that they have picked up this skill quickly. Nolan made it all day on Tuesday with no accidents. I figured we were nearing the finish line.

Well, we had some set backs yesterday and today. He had a couple genuine accidents, and more than one episode where he showed defiance by wetting his pants instead of using the toilet. I'm not sure why he's doing this, but I am remaining calm and optimistic. My diaper laundry is down to almost nothing! I am so excited about this!

TJ has been Nolan's #1 cheerleader throughout this process. When Nolan goes potty, TJ cheers and compliments him. If Nolan says he has to go and there isn't an adult nearby, TJ has willingly helped Nolan with his pants and helped him sit down correctly on the potty.

Granted, TJ does have an ulterior motive. We have promised the boys a cat as soon as Nolan is fully potty-trained during the day. TJ is very excited about this, which is why he's being so supportive. But it's very sweet, and Nolan seems to enjoy his big brother's praise.

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