Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mind your Ps and Qs

Nolan is potty training. Unfortunately, it isn't the overnight process that Sam's was. Nolan will use the potty multiple times a day, but he isn't consistently keeping his underwear or Pull-up dry. Oh, well. We will keep working on it.

Nolan has picked up a bad habit. He uses rather crass words. I prefer that the boys go 'potty' (as opposed to 'pee') and that they use the term 'bottom'. Nolan is often saying 'pee', 'butt', 'fart', and thinks it's funny when I correct him. I find it a little frustrating, because I really don't want him sounding crass or rude.

I got some unexpected support from Sam the other night. Sam was standing in the bathroom doorway while I had Nolan on the toilet and was encouraging him to go potty. Nolan replied that he was going to 'go pee.' Before I could say anything, Sam commented, "P is a letter, not something you do."

I laughed and said he was exactly right. He then sang the alphabet song so that Nolan could see where "P" really belongs.

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