Thursday, February 10, 2011

Be very, very afraid

Sam continues to amuse, amaze, and well, concern us. He is so bright, and so weird!

Yesterday, he went with Grandma to run some errands. As she pulled in the Meijer parking lot, Sam was looking at the sign. He asked her, "Grandma, why don't I hear the 'J' sound in the word Meijer?"

Sam is FOUR! Can you imagine what he's going to be like in a few years?

He had his Valentine's Day party today in preschool and he was proudly showing me his Valentines. He easily read all of his friends' names and could tell me who gave him each Valentine.

I told Bill about Sam's apparent new skill and Bill (despite the fact that Sam is just like him!) was still marveling over it a few hours later. We actually showed Sam the box of potatoes I was making with dinner and asked him to read the box. Frankly, I was relieved when he couldn't do it. No one taught him to read. I don't want him to be able to do everything before he starts kindergarten!

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