Thursday, May 13, 2010

They heard it on the news

Today is the 30th anniversary of the Kalamazoo tornado. TV8 had quite a news story on it. Both TJ and Sam are fascinated by severe weather and watched the story closely. TJ asked me if he was born when the tornado hit. I laughed and told him I was only 3 when that tornado hit, so no, he wasn't born. Then he asked where Kalamazoo was. Bill told him it was about 50 miles south of Grand Rapids. I commented to TJ that he had never been to Kalamazoo.

At this point, Sam piped up. "We have too been to Kalamazoo! They have a big snake!"

Bill and I were puzzled by that comment, but TJ rolled his eyes. "Not THE zoo, Sam, Kalamazoo!"

I thought that was funny and I was impressed that TJ understood the difference.


Also during dinner, TJ started discussing tornado strengths. He asked if I had ever seen an F-5 tornado. Umm, no, and who taught him about the Fujita scale?


TJ apparently thinks we are related to the president. It doesn't matter how many times we correct him, whenever he hears a news story about Barack Obama, he asks a question about "Uncle Bama".

Of course, he calls our neighbor girl, Lauren, "Warren". Poor girl. I still think TJ could benefit from speech class!

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