Sunday, February 21, 2010

Upset Tummy?

Last night, we celebrated my brother Eric's birthday and my sister Brianna's birthday. Nolan, who is recovering from a double ear infection, was not well enough to join the celebration at my parent's house. So, Bill and I took turns (boy, is it convenient that my parents only live 1/4 mile away!). Bill took TJ and Sam over and had dinner and visited for awhile (he also took a moment to bring me some Subway). Around 7:30, he came home, and took over with Nolan and I went over to join the party. I got some one-on-one time with my niece Charlotte. She was pretty grumpy when I put her in her pajamas. Amanda said she'd been fussy for a couple of hours. I sat with her in a rocking chair and started patting her back. Eventually, she calmed down and started studying some of the lights in the room. I put her on my lap so she could look around better. Suddenly, her little bottom vibrated. I laughed and commented that if my tummy was upset, I would be grumpy too. Her little bottom vibrated again. I shifted her up and over to see if that would help ease her discomfort. One more vibration...only it wasn't coming from her! Turns out it was my phone vibrating in my pocket! It wasn't Charlotte at all!

It's a good thing it was just Bill on the phone, considering how hard I was laughing when I answered. Poor Charlotte!

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