Wednesday, October 8, 2014

End of an era

Nolan has a loose tooth. A very loose tooth. My baby is about to lose his first tooth. He is so excited about it. I am feeling far more nostalgic. It's like we are leaving another stage of babyhood behind. 

Nolan had therapy tonight. He is usually the last patient on Wednesdays. Tonight the receptionist was locking up the back doors while Nolan was finishing up. He asked her what she was doing and she said, "I'm making sure the doors are all locked."

I could hear Nolan's reply from my spot in the waiting area. He sounded very wise. "Oh yes. You have to lock the doors to keep the bugs out."

The receptionist laughed and said, "Yes. That's exactly why we lock the doors."

Here's a picture of my sweet baby with all his baby teeth. 

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