Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cash or charge?

We stopped at the grocery store on our way home from church today. I needed some ground turkey for dinner and I had forgotten to pick it up on my weekly grocery run. I found the turkey and then pondered my dilemma: I had no cash on me. I knew I could go through the self-checkout lane and no one would know I was charging $2.50 worth of fresh ground turkey. But I felt guilty. I know the store pays a fee with every credit card transaction and I felt like I would be ripping them off with my measly purchase. 

So I decided to buy something else, to make my credit card purchase more worthwhile. I have been slowly collecting items for our vacation home in the Upper Peninsula (more on that once we've closed on the house), and one thing "must have" that was still on my list was a plunger. So I grabbed one, checked out, and headed back to the van where Bill and the boys had been waiting. 

Bill looked totally baffled by my purchase so I reminded him that we needed a plunger for the house in Laurium and I didn't want to charge just turkey, because that would have been embarrassing. Bill's comment was, "Yet you thought it was LESS embarrassing to buy only ground turkey and a plunger?"

Oh. I hadn't thought about it that way. We had a good laugh over that. 

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