Monday, July 14, 2014

An upgrade to dorm life?

Sam asked me the other day how old he had to be before he could buy his own camper. I told him he needed to be able to pay for it and be able to drive the truck that would pull it. 

I then started thinking about this. I can totally see Sam graduating from high school and buying a truck and a camper. He wouldn't live in a college dorm, he'd have his camper. His friends would either think he was totally crazy or super cool. I guess as long as he showers occasionally and does some laundry, his mother could cope with this. 

Yesterday was Sunday, the day when many of the campground lots at Cran Hill change hands. Sam spent most of the afternoon riding his bike slowly around the grounds, monitoring which units were coming in and which were leaving. He also had a rather lengthy discussion with an elderly gentleman down the road about his unit, what the gentleman's wife wanted in a camper, and why they finally made their choice. 

I wonder if that guy had ever had such an in depth trailer conversation...with a seven-year-old. And one who really knows his facts!

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