Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I love when they love each other

Sam made Nolan another card at school the other day. He did a great job drawing the minion. Much better than his mother would have done. I teared up when I found the card in Sam's backpack. 

Today was a bit stormy, so Sam had the radar on the iPad and was checking for storms all across the U.S.  He zoomed way in on a section of Rhode Island and found a street name he liked. He told Nolan he thought he'd move there when he grew up. Nolan sat next to Sam and looked at the map. He decided he would live just down the street and around the corner from Sam. It was so sweet. (Five minutes later they were fighting over something but their mother chose to ignore that). 

"Dear Nolan, you are the best brother I could ever have. I love you so much! Sincerely, your brother Sam"

Is it okay if their mother vetoes them moving to Rhode Island???

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