Saturday, April 5, 2014


In Nolan's kindergarten class, they regularly do some journaling. I believe it's supposed to be an independent writing time. No one is telling Nolan how to spell the words, he's just doing his best. He also draws a picture to go along with his entry.  If his teacher suspects we will have trouble translating his entry, she will usually jot a note of explanation at the bottom. 

It's been fun reading these as they come home. We have seen tremendous growth in Nolan's writing and spelling skills. And we are also highly entertained by what topic of the day is on Nolan's mind. My all-time favorite was the one Nolan did right before mid-winter break. He drew a picture of a sad little boy saying good-bye. Then he wrote a sad tale of how his mom and dad were going on a vacation without him and he had to go to grandma's house instead. It was so funny. I would take a picture of it, but I can't find it!

Shifting subjects. Nolan loves our new church. The pastor is very personable. The kids' programming is great. But the best part is the coffee time after the morning service. There's a long table set up with all sorts of foods to choose from: veggies, fresh fruits, crackers and cheese, cookies, donuts,'s a dream come true for a small boy. Bill and I usually have to limit the kids to four items on their plates or they would be up there all day, eating. 

This snack table has made a huge impression on Nolan. He's usually the first one up and dressed on Sunday. He even (finally!) learned to button his shirt, in his desire to make sure we weren't late for church. 

He loves snack time at church so much he even journaled about it last week!

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