Saturday, January 4, 2014

Story time

The boys and I spent a few days in Grand Rapids earlier this week. This allowed me to go to work while my mom watched the boys. On both Monday and Tuesday, Amanda and her crew were at my mom's as well. My boys love playing with their cousins. Even baby Henry. During lunch preparation, baby Henry had been placed in a bouncer. Sam sat next to him on the floor and read him a book. He even made sure to show Henry the pictures. I asked Amanda what her two-month-old thought of that, and she said Henry actually seemed to be paying attention.

On Monday night, Charlotte had a sleepover with Sam and Nolan, since Amanda would be back first thing Tuesday morning to take Charlotte in for her annual doctor visit. I prayed with the kids but Sam wouldn't let me turn out the lights until he read them a bedtime story. So I waited while Sam read. Nolan and Charlotte listened attentively. They both love to be read to. 

Once the book was finished and kisses were given, I flipped the light off. Charlotte immediately was concerned at how dark it got. Sam was reassuring. "It's okay, Charlotte. Your eyes have these things called pimples and they get bigger when it's dark. You'll see better in a minute."

I asked Sam if perhaps he meant to say 'pupils'. He agreed that was probably the right term. 

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