Tuesday, December 10, 2013


TJ has been begging us to take them to see the new Disney movie, "Frozen".  I had no problem doing this, since he hadn't once asked for a birthday party.  We finally had a free Saturday afternoon this past weekend, so we went to our local theater (it has only one screen and is extremely reasonably priced).  We settled in to the very back row, because they have tables for the chairs in the back row.  No popcorn or pop spills for us!

Bill was sitting next to Sam.  As the lights dimmed, Bill turned to Sam and asked him rather seriously, "Are you buckled in?"  Sam looked puzzled, and Bill said, "Well, isn't this like one of those rides at Disney?"  Sam rolled his eyes and said, "No, Dad. Seat belts are just for the epic movies."

The movie was quite good.  TJ seemed to love the music in particular.  When we got home, he asked permission to buy one of the songs from iTunes.  TJ got an iTunes gift card for his birthday, so he was financing the purchase, but we have his iPod set up so that only Bill or I can download things on to it (safety feature and peace of mind).  I put the song on it for him, but I really should have talked him into buying the whole album.  I REALLY should have.  After listening to the same song over and over, for a couple hours straight, I wanted to rip my ears off.  Ugh!

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