Monday, April 29, 2013

The joys and trials of warm weather

It appears that spring has finally arrived. It took an extra bit of patience on all of our parts this year. But the past few days have been wonderful. Sam was immediately back outside playing with the water bottles and the hose. Driving down the street after work, I could see Sam playing in the yard. Joy was radiating off of him, which just made me so happy. I got out of the car and he greeted me with, "It's just gorgeous out today, isn't it?"

TJ commented to me that he thought today was going to be a long day. Mondays often are. But today, he was so busy playing and doing homework that the day flew right by. At bedtime, he was excited to see that I had laid out lighter-weight pajamas (short sleeves but still long pants). He excitedly got ready for bed.

But once he was in bed, he asked me if I knew what the main problem with short sleeves was. I (of course) didn't know, so he enlightened me. He said it really stinks when you sneeze into your arm and you don't have a shirt to wipe your nose off with. Then snot just gets all over the crook of your arm.

And now you know!

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