Sunday, March 17, 2013

T. Baron, Auto Expert

The news was on tonight after dinner, and the sports report on today's NASCAR race caught TJ's eye.  He loves to watch recaps of the day's crashes.  He got very excited about today's crash and was trying to describe it to me while I washed dishes.

"The cover for the motor flew up on this car!"  I interrupted him and asked if he meant to use the word 'hood'.  TJ was in awe.  He wondered how I knew SO MUCH about cars.  Um yeah.  I'm not exactly an expert.  I know if I need an oil change, I take the car to a mechanic.  I know when the needle approaches "E", that I put more gas in the tank.  I know if I get a flat tire, I call Roadside Assistance.  That is the extent of my knowledge.  But I DO know the word 'hood'.

Bill tried telling TJ that I was a closet gear head, but TJ figured out that we were teasing him.

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