Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Meet George Jetson

Every week, TJ comes home with an assignment out of his Social Studies book.  He has to read the passage, then complete a homework sheet on the passage.

Yesterday's passage was about being ecologically responsible in the future.  I had TJ read the passage out loud to me.  I was a little surprised by it.  I tend to be 'green', but this passage was quite opinionated and I didn't necessarily agree with everything in it.  When TJ got to the questions at the end, I discovered that had been done intentionally.  TJ had to go through the passage again and find items that were facts and items that were opinions.

After he finished his homework, TJ showed me the illustration that went along with the passage.  It was very futuristic.  It kinda reminded me of Tomorrowland at Disney World, or of the Jetson's.  I'm guessing that TJ's teacher mentioned the Jetson's in class, because TJ started asking questions.  He wondered if I had ever heard of the show, and if I had watched it.  I started singing the theme song, which of course, got him more curious.

I told him that the Jetson's wasn't really accurate, since we don't yet have our flying cars.  He wanted to watch an episode, so I pulled up the very first episode on my phone and handed it to him.  Then I watched him as he watched an entire TV episode on his mom's cell phone.  Hmm.  Maybe we aren't too far away from the Jetson's after all!

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