Saturday, September 8, 2012


No, not turning 36. Ask me again when I hit 40.

This was the first week of school. By Thursday, Nolan had come down with a bad cold. In the middle of the night last night, Sam came to me complaining of a sore throat. This morning, both Bill and I feel like we are fighting the cold.

I asked TJ if he still felt okay and he said yes. Then he said, "And it's a good thing too! Because you know what happens when I get sick. It's a DISASTER!"

I really don't have the foggiest idea of what he's talking about. He's old enough to blow his own nose without being reminded and he tells me when he needs more cough medicine. So, in some ways, he's a pretty good sick person. Apparently, not in his opinion!

Enjoy the first day of school picture. They wouldn't smile until Bill started walking around behind me with a book on his head.

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