Monday, September 24, 2012

Today's Disney Moments

We went to Animal Kingdom today. We all rode the Kali River Rapids. The boys loved it, but we got quite wet, especially Nolan and I. My underwear was still wet several hours later. I also had my afternoon dose of Midodrine in my pocket. It was completely dissolved after I was doused with water. Oops.

Tonight, TJ endured several hours of shopping with his mom and grandma at Downtown Disney, just so he could get a stuffed Perry (from Phineas and Ferb). He went to sleep a tired but happy kid.

As usual, my pictures are out of order. Sorry!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Pill Popper

Sam detests his liquid anti-depressant.  I am guessing it tastes REALLY bad, because he complains for awhile after he drinks it about the bad taste he can't get out of his mouth.  We give him a glass of juice to chase the medication down with, and he still struggles.  With the last bottle, I paid $3 extra to get his medication flavored like strawberries.  He informed me that I made it taste even worse.

I told him I was out of ideas.  The only other thing we could do was get him pills to take instead of the liquid.  Sam perked right up and agreed to learn to swallow pills.

So yesterday was the big day.  The dreaded liquid was finally gone (yes, I made him finish the bottle.  I paid an extra $3 for that stuff!).  He got a bottle with very small pills.  He has to take 1 1/2 per day.

I gave him the proper dose, explained how he needed to put them on his tongue, then put a mouthful of juice in his mouth and swallow the liquid WITH the pill.  I never thought about it, but it is a little tricky to try and teach someone how to swallow pills.

Sam put the pills on his tongue.  He drank some juice.  He looked puzzled.  The pills were still on his tongue.  I told him to try again and go slower.  Sam did so, and then gave a huge swallow.  He looked relieved.  "One is gone!" he said.  I noticed the other one was dissolving on his tongue.  That couldn't have tasted very good!  I told him to try one last time.  This time he got the pill down immediately.

He was so proud of himself.  He informed me that the pills were much better than the liquid.  They were much cheaper too!  I got 3 months worth for about $12.

Bill and I continue to be pleased with how this medication is working for Sam.  He is so much more relaxed.  Hopefully, now that he is learning to swallow pills, we will see even more improvement!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mommy's Little Mummy

I always check on the boys before I go to bed. Last night, we had a bit of thunder and lightning shortly after bedtime. I was surprised no one had gotten up during that time. You know how fond TJ and Sam are of thunder storms! Anyway, they were exhausted and everyone was sleeping soundly when I did my nightly rounds.

I started laughing out loud when I saw Nolan. Normally, he is only partially covered by the blanket or sheet. But last night, he was completely mummified in his blanket. I had a good laugh, had Bill check him out, and then I carefully unwound Nolan. He was quite warm under the blankets.

This morning, Nolan informed me that the lightning had been scary, so he hid under the blankets where he was safe. He's so cute.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

9 1/2 years

Nine and a half years ago, in March 2003, I had a message on our answering machine that changed my life.  It was Jennifer, calling from Dr. Young's office.  When I nervously returned her phone call, she told me that our IVF procedure had been successful, and I was pregnant.  The following week, after a few more blood tests confirmed a baby was definitely on the way, Dr. Young called and left a message, congratulating us.  Bill and I vowed to never delete those messages.

In November 2005, we added a third special 'do not delete' message to our answering machine.  Dr. Young called to tell us he had heard the good news that Sam was on his way.  He sounded surprised and pleased in his message, because none of us were optimistic that the frozen embryo transfer would work.

For years, Bill has said he was going to somehow preserve those messages.  But we never got around to figuring out how to back up answering machine messages.  And it's easy to let time slip by.  Reality hit us hard this week when my overly helpful almost nine-year-old deleted those precious messages.  Just like that, they were gone.

When I told Bill, he looked like he'd been punched in the stomach.  I was upset too, but not as upset as I thought I would be.  The messages will never be forgotten, and honestly, it's much better having three noisy, rambunctious, sometimes argumentative boys right here with me.

And I figured I could blog about it, so that some day, the boys will know just how overjoyed we were to learn that our prayers had been answered and they were on their way.

There was no phone call with Nolan.  Just me, standing in the bathroom, staring in disbelief at a positive pregnancy test.  I'll never forget that moment either.  I actually had enough presence of mind to take a picture of the pregnancy test.  TJ can't delete that one!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I have no words

Bill is in Detroit today and tomorrow. That meant tonight was a busy evening. It was further complicated by the fact that I went to the shoe store and Meijer on my way home. Then I stopped and picked up the boys and their backpacks from my mom's. So we had quite a few things in the car by the time we got home. The boys all jumped out of the van and headed inside, empty-handed. I scolded them and thought they all turned around to help me carry stuff inside.

But in the midst of working on laundry, emptying backpacks, and making dinner, I realized I didn't have Sam's backpack. I had seen him put it in the van, so I knew it was around somewhere. I called out to him and asked him to see if his backpack was in the van. He grumbled, but went out to look. He came back in a minute later (while I was in the midst of doing laundry) and said yes, I was right, he had left his backpack in the van.

I got the dryer going and looked around to see where his backpack was. I couldn't find it. I checked the front hall, the kitchen, and the dining room. No backpack. I called for Sam again and asked him WHERE he had put the backpack. "Oh," he said. "I left it in the van. I told you I wanted YOU to bring it in."

What?! You have got to be kidding me! You betcha I marched him right back outside to get his own backpack and bring it inside.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


No, not turning 36. Ask me again when I hit 40.

This was the first week of school. By Thursday, Nolan had come down with a bad cold. In the middle of the night last night, Sam came to me complaining of a sore throat. This morning, both Bill and I feel like we are fighting the cold.

I asked TJ if he still felt okay and he said yes. Then he said, "And it's a good thing too! Because you know what happens when I get sick. It's a DISASTER!"

I really don't have the foggiest idea of what he's talking about. He's old enough to blow his own nose without being reminded and he tells me when he needs more cough medicine. So, in some ways, he's a pretty good sick person. Apparently, not in his opinion!

Enjoy the first day of school picture. They wouldn't smile until Bill started walking around behind me with a book on his head.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Unable to Multitask

For the past several weeks, I've been stocking up on snacks the boys can take to school. They all (including Nolan) need to take a morning snack with them. And I try hard to make sure I have items on hand that they actually want to eat.

Usually, I just pack their snacks without saying anything to the kids. But in honor of the first day of school tomorrow, I got out all the goodies I had stashed and lined them up on the counter. I told the boys to go ahead and pick out what they wanted. At the same time, I reminded Nolan to take off his shoes, as he has forgotten to do so when he came inside.

In his excitement over his snack choices (which included some super cool Angry Birds graham crackers), Nolan did not take his shoes off. Instead, he pulled his pants and underwear down. A couple minutes after selecting the Angry Birds crackers, Nolan looked down in surprise and said, "Hey! My pants are falling down!"

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A few random pictures

1. While the rest of the state watched the Michigan-Alabama game, TJ was completely engrossed in a documentary on the Lusitania. We were at my parent's house and had to pry TJ away from the TV after an hour and a half. It was bedtime and Sam still needed to take a shower. TJ was quite unhappy with us (we don't have the National Geographic channel at our house).

2. Nolan ordered the Clown Sundae at the ice cream shop in Coopersville. It's essentially an upside down ice cream cone with a face, whipped cream, and sprinkles. It's only $1.05! Nolan was thrilled with it!

3. The boys (primarily TJ) have been counting down the days until Disney World. And TJ decided to throw in a reminder for his mom to pick up some more double A batteries. Both Bill and I had to read that a couple times to figure out what he meant.

4. Sam's strange obsession with Toyotas continues. He was so happy that Grandma Ellen came over tonight. She brought her Toyota and Sam posed for pictures. Last week, he checked out Uncle Eric's Toyota minivan and we scoured the parking lot at church to see who else drove a Toyota. There is a Buick dealership in Coopersville, and people are pretty loyal to it. We found a grand total of two Toyotas in the parking lot, and that included Eric's!