Monday, May 21, 2012

One more "Sam-ism" for the evening

When we take the kids out in public, we often make unexpected trips to the bathroom.  I'm not sure if my kids can't plan in advance (go BEFORE we leave!), have tiny bladders, or just like to check out the average public bathroom.

At any rate, I found myself in the church bathroom with both Sam and Nolan over the weekend.  Nolan INSISTED he had to use the same stall Sam was in, so he and I were waiting outside the stall.  I was watching Nolan do his potty dance, and kept encouraging Sam to hurry up.

Sam cannot be hurried up.

At all.


So don't ask.

Finally, he climbed off the toilet, and announced, "Don't open the door!"  (of course, those words immediately send panic through the average parent).  But he continued, "Don't look in here!  I'm going to perform a miracle!"

Now, a church is a good place for miracles.  But the church bathroom?

Sam's 'miracle' involved him flushing the toilet without using his hands.  I decided I didn't need any info beyond that.

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