Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Not your average rocket scientist

Bill is in Detroit tonight.  We've been having some trouble with our phone and Internet connection over the past few weeks, and after dinner tonight I noticed we had lost our connection again.  Using my cell phone, I called Bill on his cell phone (which he rarely answers) and left him a voice mail.  I then sent him a quick email, letting him know I needed guidance in getting things re-booted.  I was hoping he would think to check either his voice mail or his email fairly quickly.

About an hour later, TJ asked me a question about his remote control submarine.  I know the boat is yellow.  That is the extent of my knowledge of that toy.  TJ got frustrated with me, and asked if he could call Dad and ask him about the boat.  I replied, "No.  You can't call Dad.  The phones aren't working right now."  TJ immediately responded, "Well, I'm going to call Dad and tell him that!"  Before I could stop him, TJ had taken off down the hallway, grabbed the cordless phone out of the kitchen and was dialing Bill's cell phone.

So, I just waited.  A minute later, I heard TJ grumbling.  He came down the hallway, holding the unresponsive phone and looking confused.  I asked him how he thought he was going to call Daddy to tell him the phones weren't working when the phones weren't working!

It took him a minute, but he finally figured it out.

About five minutes later, Bill called my cell phone.  He was wondering why I hadn't called.  I asked him if he had checked his voice mail or his email.

Uh.  No.  He had not.

Hmmm.  I wonder where TJ gets it.

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