Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Things that make me laugh

TJ sees a commercial tonight that has Justin Bieber on it. He turns to Bill and says, "You know, I don't think he's that cool." I laughed and was extremely proud of him!

I have some orange-scented hand sanitizer sitting on my dresser. I keep meaning to put it in my purse, but it hasn't made it there yet. It might not ever make it there. Sam and Nolan are obsessed with it. They keep requesting that I put some on their hands. Only, Sam can't say 'hand sanitizer'. He calls it 'hanitizer'.

Nolan is learning about letters and sounds, and how you go about sounding out words. But he doesn't understand the connections at all. This morning, he's sitting on the toilet thoughtfully saying, "Cuh, Cuh, Cuh...dog" "Buh, Buh, Buh...Cat". I tried to show him how to properly sound out a word "Cuh, cuh, cuh, CAT" and then of course, he thought it was hysterical to keep doing it wrong.

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