Friday, October 28, 2011

Genius is hereditary

Wednesday night is church night. We go at 6:00 for a quick meal (nothing better than having someone else cook for me!). From 6:15 to 6:45, there are a couple options for children who eat quickly. There is a sign by the entrance telling the kids that they may go down the hall to children's choir or upstairs to practice a short skit/drama to be performed for the rest of the kids later on.

After I finished eating on Wednesday, Nolan needed to use the bathroom. I took him out to the nearest restroom and observed a boy (around 8 years old), studying the choir/drama sign. He was reading the sign out loud. "'Chore' starts at 6:15".

His mother sounded amused and said, "It's 'choir', not 'chore'. You're mispronounciating it."

I managed to wait until I was out of the room before I started laughing.

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