Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Single white male seeks girlfriend

This afternoon, Nolan was sitting at the counter, working on his homework. He's supposed to read a story, then do a writing activity about the story. Nolan dislikes this because he has to read the same story several days in a row (and it's only interesting the first time) and he detests the writing portion because writing is so tedious for him. So he often gets sidetracked while he procrastinates. 

Today was no exception. He actually interrupted his own reading to ask, "Do you have to be in college before you have a girlfriend?"

I thought this was a pretty random question, but I told him I thought it would be okay if he went on dates in high school, as long as he was with groups of kids. 

Nolan said, "what about now?" I asked him what he meant. He replied, "I want a girlfriend now!" I started laughing. I asked him if there was any particular girl he liked. No, no one in particular. So I laughed again and told him that for now, he should just have girls as his friends.

Well, that answer was boring, but he let it go. I'm sure he'll ask again tomorrow if he's old enough then. 

Watch out, fellow first graders. Nolan is on the prowl!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bad blogger

I know, I know. I've been really bad about blogging lately. I've been adjusting to having a dog in the family. Now that Copper is settling in, I've caught a cold and have zero motivation. 

So this will be short. Last night, we had a fall harvest party at church. We all had a great time. The boys were excited for this bonus opportunity to wear their costumes. 

Nolan wanted to be something 'evil' this year. I'm not a fan of gore, and he doesn't like to be scared, so we spent awhile searching before we found the right costume. Nolan is a vampire. I wanted to make it look authentic, so I put some white face paint on him to make him look pale. 

I had to do some convincing, because Nolan DID NOT want to wear makeup. But once I got it on him, he was impressed. His comment? "Wow. I look a little bit dead!"

Here's Nolan and Sam, the escaped prisoner. I will get more pictures next week. TJ was off being social and I didn't get a single picture of him. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dawdling is hereditary

The other night, I was trying to get the kids to ready themselves for bed. Sam was dawdling. This is not surprising, as Sam's head is usually somewhere else. This particular evening, he managed to put his pajamas on, but then became engrossed in an old State Farm map book I had given him and forgot all about brushing his teeth. 

Bill came upstairs to assist in the bedtime rituals. This is what I saw the next time I came down the hall. They were deep in a discussion on towns in Tennesee. Clearly, they are two of a kind. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

End of an era

Nolan has a loose tooth. A very loose tooth. My baby is about to lose his first tooth. He is so excited about it. I am feeling far more nostalgic. It's like we are leaving another stage of babyhood behind. 

Nolan had therapy tonight. He is usually the last patient on Wednesdays. Tonight the receptionist was locking up the back doors while Nolan was finishing up. He asked her what she was doing and she said, "I'm making sure the doors are all locked."

I could hear Nolan's reply from my spot in the waiting area. He sounded very wise. "Oh yes. You have to lock the doors to keep the bugs out."

The receptionist laughed and said, "Yes. That's exactly why we lock the doors."

Here's a picture of my sweet baby with all his baby teeth.