I've been having a tough week, health-wise. I've been so exhausted that I have been taking daily afternoon naps, just so I can make it through dinner. And I called my cardiologist to inquire about some annoying palpitations I had been having. I get a very strange sensation in my chest and I feel a need to cough to correct whatever my heart is going. It was even doing it in the middle of the night earlier this week. I leapt out of bed in a sheer panic. I didn't fully wake up until I was in the bathroom and breathing normally. That was scary. So the doctor put me back on a cardiac event monitor. Ugh. I feel like I have a leash. For the next 30 days!
So, back to those naps I was talking about. Overall, the boys understand I need rest, but they also see me sleeping A LOT. So they will come and talk to me, as if I am awake. I don't do a very good job at carrying on conversations when I'm mostly asleep.
Today was a classic example. Nolan, my little sweetheart, saw we had forgotten to bring in the Sunday paper (whoever delivers it chucks it at the end of the driveway. Out of sight, out of mind.) So Nolan brought in the paper. He lugged it all the way up into my bedroom, took it out of its two bright orange plastic bags and proudly presented it to me. Perhaps I grunted a 'thank you' in his general direction. Two hours later, I was awake and working on my grocery list. I wanted to check the Meijer ad, but neither Bill or I could find the paper. Poor Nolan went back upstairs, retrieved it, and brought it back down to me. I guess I wasn't awake enough to remember he had brought it to me once already.
Same day. Same nap. TJ comes in my room and sadly announces he broke the pink puke bucket. I mumbled my sympathy. He said he dropped his stainless steel water bottle in it and cracked the bottom of the container. I told him to recycle it. (He isn't sick. I don't even know why he had it out). TJ was carrying on about how we now only have a gray puke bucket. He asked me if I could get a new one. I mumbled that I would have to go to the hospital and have a baby in order to get a new bucket. I have NO idea why I told him that. But he left me alone after that.
For once, Sam didn't have any questions. He just needed to spend some time with me. So he crawled into bed next to me and rested for awhile. I really liked that.