Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Some days, my boys can drive me nuts. Honestly, if I hear one more fart noise, I may need to visit a mental institution. 

But other days, I am just in awe of how loving and supportive my boys can be of each other. A few weeks ago, we learned that whenever Nolan got hot lunch, he was going without a beverage. He didn't know where the milk was in the cafeteria, so he went without (yes, I am more than a little disgusted that no adult noticed and helped my child). Sam eats before Nolan, and his recess ends when Nolan's lunch is starting. Sam has since taken it upon himself to go back in the lunchroom and help Nolan get everything he needs. Nolan no longer goes thirsty at lunch. 

Then there is their artwork. Nolan came home with a simple heart. One side says "I love mom and" you turn the heart over to see "I love Sam". Sam came home the same week with a card he made. The front simply says 'Dear Nolan' and inside it reads, "you are the best kid in the hole world I love you I like you so so much. Sam"

I have no words. I love my boys. 

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