Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nolan's new underwear

Nolan has outgrown his toddler underwear so I packed a new package for him to open while we were up north. He was pretty excited about the underwear, since he so often gets hand-me-downs when it comes to clothing. He always enjoys when I purchase something specifically for him. So we opened the package this morning and he carefully chose the pair he wanted to wear first (he selected a camo print). 

A few minutes later, Nolan came to me, wearing only the new underwear. I asked him if they fit all right. He nodded, but looked concerned. He informed me his new underwear had a hole in them already. I laughed and showed him the neat trick of how boys can go to the bathroom without having to pull their pants down.

Nolan was extremely impressed. He tried it out for himself (cuz sometimes Moms don't know what they are talking about) and then he just lit up. "That was really nice of them!" (the underwear people). "I need to go tell TJ and Sam!!"

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