Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How Rumors Get Started

I was in Nolan's room this afternoon, boxing up his 12-month clothing and putting 18-month clothing in his drawers (yes, he is growing!). Sam and Nolan wandered in and surveyed the mess. "Whatcha doin', Mom?" Sam asked. "I am getting out bigger clothes for your brother", I told him.

Sam turned to Nolan and said, "Did you hear that?! You are going to be a big brother!"

Heaven help me if he repeats that in public!

And just a bit of nostalgia...the clothes I put in the drawers are the size clothing Sam was wearing when Nolan was born. Time sure has flown. Sam stopped being my baby overnight, out of necessity. Sometimes, that still makes me sad. Most days, I'm just glad he is as flexible and easygoing as he is. Now, if he would just stop spreading rumors...

1 comment:

Tobias Arthur said...

Hilarious! Please wish TJ a very Happy Birthday from Uncle Jeff and Aunt Emily. :)