Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween 2009

Let me sum up Halloween in one word: BRRRRR!!! It was so cold trick-or-treating! I took TJ and Sam trick-or-treating through Eric's neighborhood in Coopersville. I kept them moving quickly, just so we wouldn't get cold. We were out for about 45 minutes. Sam was getting tired, so we called it quits. They had quite a haul of candy, though. Many homes gave them handfuls instead of just one piece.

After looking at the pictures I took, I was horrified to see that I only took a couple of Sam. And he was such a cute little monkey (although at first he insisted that he was the banana, not the monkey). Bad Mommy! I will try to do better next year!!

I helped out at TJ's Halloween party:

Here are the boys on Halloween, and one picture of Suzy and Maggie:

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