Monday night was humid and a little stormy. It rained on and off several times. While we were eating dinner, we noticed that the sun was shining brightly to the west, but it was very dark and gloomy off to the east. Bill went down to the boys' room to see if there was a rainbow, and immediately called for the rest of us to join him. Leaving Nolan in his high chair (sorry, Buddy), I got Sam down and we hurried with TJ into their bedroom. We looked out the window and saw a perfect, complete rainbow. In fact, I pointed out that there was a faint double rainbow. TJ's comment? "I didn't know we got rainbows in real life!" I reminded him about Noah and God's promise. TJ said he remembered that, but still didn't think we actually got rainbows. Um, okay.
I decided this was a blog-worthy photo op, so I ran outside and snapped a couple pictures:

If you look carefully, you can see the second rainbow:

I showed them to TJ when I got inside. His comment? "Mommy! You took a picture of A___'s house!" Yep. That was my sole purpose in taking the pictures.
TJ and Bill sat down to finish dinner. I was done, so I started cleaning up. Then I noticed Sam was missing. I called his name, and he wandered down the hall from his room. I asked him if he was still looking at the rainbow. His response? "No, Mommy! The sprinklers are on! I was watching those!!!"
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