Monday, June 1, 2009

How to get Mama out of bed--FAST!

Saturday morning is supposed to be the one morning I sleep in. By sleeping in, I mean I get up after 8:30, instead of much earlier. This past Saturday, I had told Bill I'd get up by 7:30, as we wanted to take the boys to Meijer Gardens that morning.

At 7:15, I heard a small voice in my ear. It was Sam, and he was being annoyingly cheerful. Why do my children not understand that I am NOT a morning person? Anyway, the conversation went like this:

"Hi Mama!" (Silence from me)
"Are you awake?" (I mumbled at him)
"I'm awake!" (Me thinking, 'Where is Bill? Why isn't Sam bothering him?')
"I need my brestfast". (Me still thinking above thought, and also wondering when he's going to learn to say 'breakfast')
"Hey, are these your glass?"

At that last statement, I shot out of bed. He said the word wrong, but I knew what he meant. Sure enough, he had grabbed my glasses off of my nightstand. I have a fairly new pair of glasses, because TJ broke the last pair! I didn't want to repeat that!

So Sam got his 'brestfast', and I'm happy to report my glasses were not harmed. Whew! It just wasn't the way I wanted to start my Saturday.

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